
To be completed, however try !hcr2


Start To Finish

Setting up a new Series

:one: In Events Details tab, column V/W/X, check that the new Series name, date and # Rounds is present

:two: Now duplicate the Template tab, and rename the copy of the template to the series name defined in Events Details

:three: In Events tab, column D, select the new series name for the next row. Continue to select until the number of rounds has been meet. Also fill out the vehicles in column F

:four: In the new series tab, update the cell E9 with the new series name.

Note: You will see the vehicles update if they are different.

To active the new Series for registration

Now that you have the series defined in the Events Details, Events and new series tabs, you can open the series up for registration.

:one: In Events Details, change the Register Event (S3) to the new series name. You will note that the # Rounds and Start Date should change if they are new.

Note that this will mean anyone running the !register series command will enter into this series. It is recommended to test that this works by running that command yourself.

To open registration

Once the above is completed, you can now run the command !register open To see the format of this use !register help (you will get a direct message from the bot or look at the example below). When this command is run it will place an announcement into the announcements channel defined in the command !server. Make sure there is only one space between each text in the command. This is important for the emoji. Example:

!register open :star: @Racer get ready for the next series starting on the 10 Oct 2020. Registration is now open!

Once Racing starts

:one: In Events Details, change Current Series (S2) to the new series name. This now means any results written will go into this tab.

:two: To allow racers to enter their results, run the command !time open 1.

:three: Write a result in the results entry channel and check the spreadsheet has loaded correctly. Now you are all done!


At the end of the Daily

:one: Afterthe Daily is done, close the time entry:

!time close

:two: Now start loading images and correcting times in the spreadsheet

:three: Once confirmed update against your name to Valid

:four: Once 2 people have completed step 3, then the Underway can be updated to Finished

:five: Set the next round to Underway

:six: In Discord, run the !report command and only confirm (:thumbsup:) if everything looks correct. The results-entry channel will be opened as part of this command.

:seven: You are done, start racing and congratulating the winner :smile:



Manging the event – Discord

In Discord:

:one: Go to #officials and type the following:

!report 10 We have now finished the series and a new Champion is crowned.

You will be prompted with the Top 10 for the round and the overall result. Check that this is correct before giving a :thumbsup:. If it is incorrect, give a :thumbsdown:. Figure out what the issue is and re-run the command.

:information_source: Once the command has run it will do the following:

– Write a summary of the results into #results

– Write a summary of that in #general

– Open up the next round for entering results

– Write a status note in the HCR2 Daily Bot #server-results

:two: Check #chat and #results for the new information If this was the final round, the Champion role will be allocated to the overall winner.

As an official you can run the commands:

!audit results – it will give a good summary of where the events are at.

!register status – this will check the status of registration.


Manging the event – spreadsheet

To start an event the officials will make sure that the spreadsheet has the Register Event field ‘Events Details’!S3 as the correct event tab.

Now racers can run !register series

Before racing start, check the Current Event (‘Events Details’!S2) to make sure it is set to the correct tab for where results will be entered into.

Once confirmed and racing is underway, the official in the #event-bot-admin channel can run !time open 1 This will create a #time and #images channel. #time is for racers to enter their result for that round.

NOTE: the !time open ROUND can be used for any round, however the !report command will excute this command as part of it, except for the last round.

At the end of the round, before validating all the results, the officials will run !time close. This will change permissions on the #time channel so racers will not be able to add new times

In the spreadsheet:

:one: Go to the event tab (Series 1 new) and start to validate the times for that round.

:two: You may need to add times which have not been entered, but that will depend on the rules you have in place.

:three: For the officials which have checked, change the column value to Valid against their name.

Once multiple officials have been set to Valid, the Results row would change to Ready (your is already Ready, but we can work on that later as there is a reason for this at the moment)

:four: Change the Row 2 from Underway to Finished You can now head back to discord to complete the event reporting.


Adding officials

:one: In the Events Details tab, add your officials and their in game friend link to Column 0/P in the blue boxes.

:two: This will automatically populate into the Series tabs.

:three: In the Events Details tab, if you need to have the in-game link for validation, defined the number of officials required for this validation in R6